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Plan, compare and save your flights and hotels in one search - using Skyscanner search and save systems.

Find travel trends, tips and inspiration to help plan your adventure. Explore flight and hotel deals by city, airport or region using Skyscanner's advance search. Compare the lowest prices using powerful smart filters that provide flexible results tailored to your travel style and budget.

Remember, you can use Skyscanner to book great value car hire deals.

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  • Skyscanner helps find your flight ticket deal - you book directly with the airline or travel provider.
  • Set up Price Alerts to receive emails or push notifications (via the app) when selected flight prices rise or fall.
  • Use search filters such as direct flights, airline selection, number of stops and departure time range - to help find your perfect flight.
  • Find the cheapest prices across a month. The monthly prices feature lets you find the best prices by showing the cheapest estimated prices across a selected month (the monthly prices feature is for guidance purposes only).
  • The airline or provider you booked with will send you a confirmation email and all necessary booking information. For any queries or changes to your booking, please contact them directly.
  • To search for multiple destinations, use the multi-city search option. This feature enables you to add various searches for different destinations and dates. Multi-city flights are a great way to visit several destinations in one trip - by adding extra legs to your itinerary.
  • If searching for 'direct flights' only, tick the box marked Direct Flights at the top left of the screen. By selecting this box, you'll only filter-in direct flight services into your search.
How to use Skyscanner
Skyscanner is a convenient platform that scans most major airlines and travel providers. It allows you to compare flights, airfares, and other travel services in one place.
Starting your search: To start your search, navigate to Skyscanner's search pages. Enter the city, airport, or country you're departing from and your destination in the "From" and "To" fields. Then, enter your travel dates in the "Depart" and "Return" fields and click "Search". You'll see a list of flight options to choose from. Once you find a suitable flight, click "Select", and you'll be given a list of airlines and travel agencies that you can book with directly.
Inspiration: If you're looking for inspiration for your next trip, try Skyscanner's "Everywhere" feature. It allows you to view endless destinations and prices from multiple travel sites in one convenient location.

Flights with stops
Non-Direct Flights: Flight search systems often include and display flights offering the most value. Sometimes, certain cheaper flight options might carry some inconvenience and level of risk. When choosing a non-direct flight, be sure you have enough time to make your connecting flight and check the connecting flight requirements with the airline or agent before confirming your reservation.
Be aware you may have two separate tickets each with its own cancellation or change policy. After your first flight, you may need to collect your checked baggage and recheck it for your second flight. During each connection, you may need to go through security and passport control and you may need a visa if your connection is in a country that requires one. Transfer tickets offer attractive prices, but be sure to consider these factors before booking and know in advance what would happen if a connecting flight is missed.

Best time to book flights
Airfare Prices: Flight prices are subject to change frequently, and their availability and pricing can vary depending on various factors.
Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to ensure the best prices, but some periods of the year have historically been better than others. Popular holiday periods are usually more expensive (christmas, easter, school holidays), so consider researching prices and booking in advance for these dates.
Travel Date Flexibility: If you have the flexibility to travel on different dates, comparing prices by conducting weekly, monthly or yearly availability searches can be helpful. On the other hand, if you have fixed travel dates, some companies will allow you to set up airfare price alerts, a system or service that notifies you when a particular airfare price changes. In general, we recommend booking flights as soon as you find a price that suits your budget.


Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information at the time of writing, please ensure you check carefully before making any decisions based on the contents within this article. The use of this site and third-party links is subject to our T&Cs.

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